Last Half of the Twentieth Century

Continued Growth

Rev. Robert Boshen became pastor in 1956 and served until 1975—the longest pastorate in the history of the church. It was during this time that the church grew to 900 members.

In the 1960s McFarland Hall was built. It contained classrooms, a larger fellowship hall and kitchen, a chapel, and lounge.

In the 1970s a “Contemporary Worship” service was begun in the church, and soon the weekly alternate worship service was both planned and led by lay persons. It continued until 1998.

Membership Peak, Community Activism

The church reached its largest membership—1,000—under the pastorate of Rev. James Brown, who served from 1976 to 1987. During this time, the church was instrumental in establishing St. Elizabeth’s Shelter for the Homeless and Food for Santa Fe. Members of the church also worked with refugees fleeing hostile regimes in Vietnam and Latin America. Susan Loriaux, organist for 38 years, retired, and Dr. Linda Raney became church organist and director of music.

McFarland Hall was remodeled to include church offices, lobby, lounge, patio and library in 1981. The chancel of the Sanctuary was remodeled in 1983 along with a chapel.