The Greatest Form of Love

Worship Mar 23, 8:30 & 11am

Pastor Andrew digs into Jesus’ new commandment that challenges our understanding and role in the world. What is our role in loving those who feel unloved, cast out and marginalized? What are concrete ways that God’s transformational love is being lived out in our world? John 15:9-14 will help us. Join us at 8:30 in Pope Hall or at 11:00 in the sanctuary or via livestream.

Seeking Vision

Adult Ed, Mar 23, 9:45am

This Sunday we continue our series on The Great Search, the latest book by John Phillip Newell. Pastor Andrew leads the class as we attempt to focus on Seeking Vision and tying together the previous classes. Join us in McFarland Chapel at 9:45 or via Zoom.

A Journey Through Lent

Children & Youth, Mar 23, 8:30 & 11am

Throughout his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about the Kingdom of God. As we read Luke 13:1-9, we encounter the fig tree parable and we find an image of God’s patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. After receiving a blessing in the worship services, the children and youth leave to continue their Journey Through Lent.

Service for Creation Care

Celtic EvenSong, Mar 19, 5:30pm

God calls all humanity to care for creation and all that is in it. Throughout the ages we have not paid enough attention to cherishing all animals and plants and rivers and trees, but with Climate Change upon us it is imperative we do.  In this service, in prayer and song, we do. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom.

Acting to End Hunger

Mission Project Response

During this Lenten season, Bread for the World has organized an offering of letters for people to support programs to end hunger—to invite all to come to the table. We are so thankful that our church has had an overwhelming response with 165 letters written to our senators and House members in support of programs that fund childhood hunger needs.

Bach’s Birthday

TGIF, Mar 21, 2025

Our own Linda Raney invites us to celebrate Bach’s birthday with her at the TGIF concert this Friday evening when she plays Bach selections on the organ.  Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.

Living the Lord’s Prayer

Retreat, Ghost Ranch, Aug 15-17

San Williams invites members and friends of First Presbyterian Church to join him at Ghost Ranch this summer, August 15-17, for a retreat centered on the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer that Jesus taught his disciples invites us into the heart of Jesus’ life and teaching, and it empowers us to live joyfully—and hopefully—in these chaotic and fraught times.

Rare in These Days

Worship, Mar 16

VIDEO. The word of God was rare in the days of Samuel. Visions were not widespread. How do we discern God’s call today? Pastor Harry looks at I Samuel 3:1-14 to explore this thought. View the video of our 11:00 service and Pastor Harry’s message.

Seeking Faith: Edwin Muir

Adult Ed, Mar 16, 9:45am

VIDEO. This Sunday we look at the last chapter in John Philip Newell’s new book, The Great Search. San Williams leads us in a review of the spiritual vision that Newell sets forth. Then we explore the wisdom of the Scottish poet, Edwin Muir, by discussing two of his poems: “One Foot in Eden” and “The Incarnate One.”

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