The Role of Christianity in Today’s Society
Sunday mornings, 9:00-9:50 a.m. on Zoom (see the latest eNews)
January 10, 17, 24, 31, 2001
Led by Pastor Harry Eberts
In 1951 theologian H. Richard Niebuhr wrote his classic book, Christ and Culture, which examined whether Christ is still relevant in our world. On the seventieth anniversary of its publication we will be asking the same question and challenge ourselves to be true to Christ in our own age.
During the first two weeks we will look at four of the motifs Dr. Niebuhr examines: Christ against culture, the Christ of culture, Christ above culture, and Christ and culture in paradox. The third week we welcome Conrad Rocha, Executive Director of the Synod of the Southwest, who will share his perspective on the Church’s connection and influence in the wider culture. In the fourth week we will look at Niebuhr’s final motif, Christ the transformer of culture.
Participants are encouraged to read the book (if not, zoom with us anyway!) and a PowerPoint presentation will complement this important discussion of Christianity’s place in our ever-changing and challenging world.