Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2022, Earth Care

Environmental Justice

Tony Arnold, environmental justice law professor at Brandeis, describes environmental justice and tells stories from his 30 years of work in this video of his Oct 16 at adult ed class. Hear his insights on how we can respond to injustices with God’s radically transformative love.

In the video of his class, Environmental Justice and God’s Radically Transformative Love, you hear stories that have emerged out of an understanding of what it means to be radically transformed by God’s love in ways that reshape our thinking and actions about both the environment and social and racial justice. Learn how we can challenge and transform both environmental stewardship and social justice; how we can create opportunities for miracles; how we can become community with people who are marginalized and oppressed; and how we can be partners in God’s radically transformative love.

Professor Arnold directs the interdisciplinary Resilience Justice Project at the University of Louisville, which seeks to address the unequal vulnerabilities of marginalized and oppressed communities to shocks, such as climate change, disasters, and gentrification.