Recent Videos

Living in Santa Fe as a Japanese Woman

Worship, May 5, 10am

VIDEO. This May as we celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander cultures, we warmly welcome Shizuko Kobayashi to our worship service to deliver the Sunday message, and she will deliver the children’s message as well since May 5th is Children’s Day in Japan. Shizuko shares her experiences and her work to link Santa Fe and Japan in slides during her message. The scripture for the day is Psalm 98.

Relationships Matter

Worship, Apr 28

VIDEO. What is a life well lived? What makes us happy? How do we build a solid foundation to weather life’s adversities? Beyond taking care of ourselves, we need to nourish positive relationships, to participate in the “Beloved Community,” and to walk with Christ. Bruce Goslin delivers our Sunday message, “Relationships matter, and a few other things I have learned.” The day’s scripture is Matthew 7:24-27.

The Burning Bush

Adult Ed, Apr 28

VIDEO. Is First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe a responsible steward of God’s creation? In his class, “The Burning Bush—Responsible Stewardship in a World on Fire,” Pastor Andrew helps us look at our environmental footprint and climate shadow as a church and a member of the broader community.

Faith Leading to Action

Adult Ed, Apr 21, 9:45am

VIDEO. Michael Stewart, environmental activist and founder of LightHawk, shares news of quite a number of solutions that are proven and hold immense promise in fighting climate change. Hear his optimistic and challenging message in our second adult ed class in our Earth Day series.

Get to Work

Worship, Apr 14, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. What does it mean to be a Post-Easter Christian? What does Jesus call us to do? How does Creation witness to the resurrection? Come as Pastor Andrew helps us wrestle with these bigger questions this Sunday. The scripture for the day is John 20:1-18.

Clean Energy Coaltion for SFC

Adult Ed, Apr 14, 9:45am

VIDEO. Lee Zlotoff, a producer, director and screenwriter best known as the creator of the TV series MacGyver, addresses our adult ed class in the first of our Earth Day series. Lee is the founder of  the MacGyver Foundation, dedicated to valuing self-reliance, nonviolence, and sustainability.

When It Was Evening

Worship, Apr 7, 10am

VIDEO. Has Easter changed you in any way? If not, don’t feel badly as the disciples a week later were shuttered away and perplexed, afraid for their lives. Come and hear what happens next when Jesus suddenly appears, a locked door notwithstanding. Pastor Harry ‘s message is based on John 20:19-31.

What Mary Saw

Easter Service, Mar 31

VIDEO. Mary didn’t trust her own eyes at first and assumed Jesus was the gardener.  Then she recognized him and called him Teacher.  What would we see if Jesus stood before us? Pastor Harry’s message is based on John 20:1-18.

A Truly New Mexican Easter—Sunrise Service on the Caja del Rio

Mar 31, 6:30am

VIDEO. This Easter we gather at dawn as the original followers did that miraculous morning where the women went to the tomb of Jesus and found the stone rolled away and tomb empty.

Choir and David Solem

TGIF, Mar 29, 5:30pm

VIDEO. On Good Friday, our Chancel Choir, with David Solem on the piano, performs Mozart’s Requiem—a work of comfort that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit. Enjoy the video of this uplifting concert.

Palm Sunday 2024

Service, Procession, Mar 24

VIDEO. At 9:30 am, we gather in the sanctuary for a worship service.  After the service, we follow bagpipes and process to the Santa Fe Plaza to share in 10:30 Ecumenical Service with the Cathedral Basilica and Church of the Holy Faith.

What Now Shall We Do?

Adult Ed, Mar 17, 9:45am

VIDEO. We have been blessed in the past six weeks to hear the wisdom and insights of two well-known authors and lecturers, Father John Dear and Diana Butler Bass. Now we are called to respond. What shall we do with what we’ve heard, both personally and in this congregation? Pastor Harry leads our discussion.