Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Lessons from the Mountaintop

Children’s Program, Jul 28, 8:30am

This Sunday we will begin a series focused on Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew 5-7. Jesus preached many wonderful lessons in the Sermon on the Mount. The first part of the sermon is referred to as the “beatitudes. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop. After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.

The Lesson

The “beatitudes means being most blessed. Being blessed is more than just being happy.  It is a spiritual mindset and sense of fulfillment that comes from choosing God’s way in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. Jesus lists a number of difficult circumstances and the blessing that can come despite them. This way of life does not just make our own lives better.  Living according to God’s instructions makes a real difference to the world around us.  The section ends with  Jesus saying, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 ).

If you have questions, contact Jen Black.