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The Things That Make for Peace

Westminster, Weds in Oct, 10:30am

As we approach the end of the campaign season, many of us may be feeling ill-at-ease and somewhat nervous. No matter the outcome in November, we all want peace. In that light, Westminster Presbyterian Church has scheduled a five-session Forum for Peace entitled “The Things That Make For Peace.”

The curriculum comes to us from the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the PCUSA. Lay leaders will facilitate the forum with assistance from clergy from within Westminster and outside it. Pastor Harry will be facilitating two of the forums.

The forum will be held in-person in Westminster’s Koinonia Hall each of the five Wednesdays in October from 10:30am until noon. Members and friends from other congregations, as well as those who may not be part of any congregation, are invited. We hope to see you there!

Download the bulletin insert and share with friends:  Things That Make for Peace Bulletin Insert.