PBM Breakfast, Dec 14, 9am
Saturday Dec 14, we welcome Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director and President of New Energy Economy. Mariel left an exciting law practice in Civil Rights, Criminal Law, and Internet Crimes to act as guardian of our energy economy in New Mexico and associated environmental impacts. Her work in this area is renowned.
The breakfast crew is led by John Whitcomb and Mark Bixby who have, with help of their team, consistently provided us with healthy nutritious breakfasts. We do ask a suggested $2 or more donation to cover the cost of food and beverages.
Text Jim at 505-557-8110 or email jimelliott5247@gmail.com to be put on the monthly Evite reminders to which you can do a formal RSVP if not already on the list. Also text Jim if you might want to participate as back-up/assistant chef, bottle washer, or buss-boy for Prepared by Men’s Breakfast, or if you have a program suggestion. Alternately Wally Bettes at bettesw@gmail.com or 214-893-7211 with your suggestions or participation offerings.