Categories: Letters 2024

December 21, 2024

Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places:

Greetings in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ!

Well, so that is that.

These words are tucked in the middle of a poem by British-American poet W. H. Auden (1907-1973) written in the early days of World War II. They refer to the day after Christmas and how we get right back to our lives and leave Christmas behind and Baby Jesus still in the manger. The poem continues:

As in previous years we have seen the actual Vision and failed
To do more than entertain it as an agreeable
Possibility, once again we have sent Him [Christ] away . . .

I don’t know about you but I am not ready to send Jesus away. With a few days left before Christmas we have a chance to rewrite the poem. Might it read something more like “Well, so that was utterly magical and amazing and life-transforming!”  I hope it will!

We all have a chance, right now, to “see the actual Vision” of Jesus as he grows into a man, into a teacher, a healer, a peacemaker, a revolutionary who gets in trouble with systems and authorities, and one who lives so deeply and so holy that we see God in him.

We all have a chance, right now, to rewrite the ending of Auden’s poem so that it is more than an “agreeable possibility” but rather a way of life that challenges not only us and our ways, but the ways of the world.

We all have a chance, right now, to follow this Christ child into the world.

It is far too easy to assume the “well, so that is that” posture. The world expects us to do just that again this year. To again forget about the Christ who is born. To again go on our own way. To again live as if nothing happened in Bethlehem.

I am done doing that this year. The world and all that is in it is far too sacred to let Jesus go so quietly and for us to go back to our own places unaffected.

If we say we follow Jesus Christ, then let’s actually follow Jesus Christ. Embody his words. Live them out as best we can and keep trying. Isn’t that why we are part of Christ’s church?

One word of caution, though, if we do: There will be pushback. People won’t like it. We will astound many (and probably ourselves as well). We will upset some systems which are accustomed to having their way. We will be seen and talked about. And we will make a difference in this world.

So, that is that!  Christmas will be here soon. The opportunity is again before us. What will we do when we leave the manger?  Where will we go and when will that be?

Grace and peace and joy to you this Christmas, and the days that follow.
