With the shooting of George Floyd in 2020, our country reached a tipping point. And our church congregation, like many around the country, started seriously discussing racism. Our discussions kicked off on Juneteenth (June 19th), the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. We continued with a year of intense classes where we learned about the pervasiveness and tragic effects of white privilege and racism in our society.
So how are we supposed to respond? As people of faith, and as a Matthew 25 church that is called by PC(USA) to “actively engage in the world around us” and to be a “relevant presence in the world,” we are continuing our efforts to understand and work to help dismantle racism.
Purpose and Objectives
Our purpose in these efforts, as adopted from PC(USA), is to join in the PC(USA) Matthew 25 effort to dismantle structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems, practices, and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice, and oppression of people of color.
The objectives we have identified for our efforts are:
- Educate our congregation about the history of racism and the current structures and practices that continue to support racism in America.
- Sensitize our congregation to racial perspectives that may be different from their own.
- Create an environment in our church where people of color feel comfortable and welcomed.
- Work to broaden church leadership to include those with culturally and racially diverse experience and viewpoints.
- Build relationships with communities of color and organizations that support them and work with these organizations to further their efforts.
- Offer our congregation ways to individually and collectively support people of color and activities that help dismantle structural racism.
Upcoming Activities
All are welcomed to join us in our efforts. Return to this page regularly to see updated information on upcoming activities and how you can participate. Or you can stay informed by having your name added to our Dismantling Racism email list or our eNews list by contacting our Church Office.
- Ongoing Advocacy
Past Activities
We have had number of classes and other activities. They are listed below with the most recent first.
- June 16, 2024—Juneteenth Service and Picnic at Federal Park. Read more about the service at The Spirit of Juneteenth Fathers and more about the picnic at Juneteenth Picnic in the Park. View video.
- December 31, 2023—New Year’s Eve Watch Service. Read more in Go Back and Get It. See also our Watch Night Services page.
- October 22 & 29, 2023—Adult ed presentation: Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture. Dr. Simesha McEachern. Read more and view videos.
- October 1, 2023—Worship service celebrating Indigeneous People. “Learning from Each Other” with Rev. Judy Wellington. Read more and view video.
- October 1, 2023—Luncheon speaker, Mary Weahkee presents “Recovering the Ancient Ways and Crafts of Indigenous People. Read more and view video of service.
- September 3, 2023—Worship service and Fiesta celebrating Hispanic Heritage. Read more about the worship service and the fiesta.
- June 18, 2023—Third Annual Juneteenth Celebration. View video.
- March 19-May 6, 2023. Understanding Intersectionality workshop led by Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee. Read more.
- February 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2023—Racial Justice: Bending the Arc. Adult Ed classes. Read more and view videos on our Bending the Arc webpost.
- January 1, 2023—Third annual Watch Night / Emancipation Day service. See also our Watch Night Services page.
- September, 2022—Hispanic Heritage Month.
- October, 2022—Indigenous People’s Month. Watch special service held October 9, 2022, Indigenous People’s Day.
- June 18, 2022—Second annual Juneteenth Picnic. Federal Park. See the video on our Juneteenth Celebration webpage.
- May 1-31, 2022—Minutes for Mission and special display on the Santa Fe Japanese Internment Camp (see Asian American Month)
- May 22, 2022—Adult education class and worship service at the Santa Fe Internment Camp (see Asian American Month; watch video)
- February 2022—Biographies of Black Americans published in eNews
- January 2022—Adult education class: “The Beloved Community and Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr.”
- First Quarter 2022—Expansion of responsible investing (ongoing)
- December 31, 2021—Second annual Watch Night Service
- November 2021—Biographies of Native Americans published in eNews
- October 2021—Adult education classes: The Pueblo Nation: Our Resilient Neighbors
- October 2021—Advocacy for Proposed NM Social Studies Curriculum
- October/November 2021—Countering Racism Book Drive
- May 2021—Biographies of Asian Americans published in eNews
- February 2021—Biographies of Black Americans published in eNews
- June 19, 2021—First annual Juneteenth Picnic
- December 31, 2020—First annual Watch Night Service
- June 2020–June 2021—White Privilege and Dismantling Structural Racism Classes