We joyously celebrated Juneteenth with a Freedom Day Service in Federal Park with a lively celebration picnic afterward. If you were not able to come, enjoy the day through the video, and if you were there, relive some of your favorite moments.
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June 16, 2023
Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who wept over the death of a friend, and who I imagine is weeping still over how we continue to treat one another. June is Pride Month, and it couldn’t come fast enough. On Wednesday the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination with around 50,000 churches and 16 million members, voted overwhelmingly to oust two churches because they had women pastors...
Read moreUkulele Time
Have you dreamed of playing the ukulele? Dreamed of sitting on some Hawaii beach singing Aloha O’e?? Now’s your chance. A ukulele group, led by two nationally known ukulele players and teachers, meets at the church on Tuesdays. Interested? Join us.
Read more“The Sixth Day”
Sunday, June 11, Pastor Harry preaches on Genesis 1:26-31. God created humans and all living creatures on the Sixth Day and told us to be responsible stewards and take care of the earth. Did God place too much trust in our abilities and behaviors?
Read moreBrass Concert, June 9
This Friday join us for a brass concert featuring the Sin Nombre and Black Mesa Brass Quintets. Every Friday we gather at 5:30 pm in our sanctuary for our TGIF concerts. Everyone is welcome. There is no fee, but a free will offering is taken. Hope to see you there.
Read moreTrinity Sunday, June 4
At our Trinity Sunday worship service on June 4. Pastor Harry delivered the message “Eleven on the Mountain,” based on Matthew 28:16-20. The one worship service at 10 am welcomed new members and had an ordination and installation.
Read moreSunday School Volunteers Needed
Do you want to get to know our youth and help them grow in the faith and mission of our church? Volunteers will be provided with a full less of stories, songs, and activities. Help our youth explore the Bible.
Read moreMay 30, 2023
Dear Saints in Santa Fe and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who began a movement to change the world. Since then, Christianity has changed and grown and diversified. Lately, though, I hear more about Christian Nationalism and strident views than I do about a religion based on a compassionate God who loves the world and everyone in it. So, I wrote something this morning that I have been thinking about for a long time. I share it with you first...
Read moreWarm Airs Whispering
Saturday, June 3, at 2:00 pm, First Presbyterian Church will host a benefit recital to support Tri-M Productions featuring Ruby Nightingale and Elizebeth Barnes. Tickets are $20 with additional donations accepted.
Read moreUnderstanding Christian Nationalism
“Christian Nationalism” seems ever-present in the news these days, but what is it and where did it come from? We explored this in our recent adult education series. If you missed it, videos are now available.
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