Bible Studies

Friday Bible Study

Bible Study meets every Friday, September through May, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel and via Zoom. See the latest eNews.

Each week, we read and discuss a particular biblical passage, usually the scripture that is the focus of the upcoming Sunday sermon. Each study stands alone, so join in when you can.

Spanish Bible Study

The Spanish Bible Study group meets the first and third Saturdays from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in Pope Hall C. This group has been led by Margarita Lopez for over fifteen years.

All levels of Spanish are welcomed. Enjoy the blessing and challenge of God’s word in another language.

Gateway to God’s Word

Pastor Harry shared with us via email and now in full online, a set of papers written by his father, Dr. Rev. Harry Eberts, Jr. These papers provide a clear guide to people trying to better undertand the Bible. See Gateway to God’s Word.
