Categories: Celtic, Home

Service of Welcome

EvenSong, Mar 26, 5:30pm

You are welcome here. There is no better expression of the Christian faith than to feel welcomed, at home, among people who are glad you are here. Here we can meet Christ in one another. Join us at this Wednesday's Celtic EvenSong Service in the sanctuary or or on Zoom for a service focused on "Welcome."  To participate via Zoom, consider buying the Iona Abbey worship and music books.

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Categories: Celtic

Service for Creation Care

Celtic EvenSong, 3rd Wed, 5:30pm

God calls all humanity to care for creation and all that is in it. Throughout the ages we have not paid enough attention to cherishing all animals and plants and rivers and trees, but with Climate Change upon us it is imperative we do.  In this service, in prayer and song, we do. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom.

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Categories: Celtic

Service for Healing

EvenSong, Mar 12, 5:30pm

This Wednesday’s Celtic EvenSong is a service of prayers for healing. The healing of divided communities and nations, and the healing of the earth itself, have their place alongside the healing of broken bodies, hurt minds and wounded hearts, and the hurts and divisions within ourselves. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom.

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Categories: Celtic

Service for Justice and Peace

EvenSong, Mar 5, 5:30pm

We celebrate that God wills for the world peace with justice, known in the Middle East as Shalom or Salaam. This is not an abstraction or something only possible in another world or eternity, but a real hope for this place and time. It is embodied in Jesus and flows from the simple fact that God loves the world. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom for our Wenesday evening Celtic service.

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Categories: Celtic

Service of Commitment

EvenSong, Apr 30, 5:30pm

We are here because Jesus calls us. He calls us to discover depths and potentials within ourselves that are only found through commitment. We are to be committed to his person, but we are also invited to be committed to a style of life which represents on earth the qualities of heaven. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom for our Wenesday evening Celtic service.

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