Category: Sunday Messages
First Sunday of Advent
Worship, Dec 3
Advent begins a new church year as we await the Christ child and prepare for his coming. Worship will be in the style of the 8:30 am Morningsong service, ukuleles will share in the music, and we will ponder the earliest words of the Gospel from Mark 1:1-8.
Read moreJoyful Noise in a Joyless Time
Worship, Nov 26
VIDEO. How does one find joy in our day, let alone share it with others? The Psalmist has some clues in beloved Psalm 100. View the video on our livestream page.Read moreMoses Flees Pharaoh
Worship, Nov 19
VIDEO. In Exodus 2:11-25, Moses tried to run away from the traumas in his life. Is there a better way? Pastor Harry tries to help us find one. If you missed the service, you can view it on our livestream page through Friday.Read moreI Drew Him Out of the Water
Worship, Nov 12
VIDEO. Trauma permeates our world, as it did throughout the Bible. What are the signs of trauma in the birth story of Moses, and how might we learn from the struggles Moses faced? Pastor Harry brings the story in Exodus 2:1-10 into our modern world. Read moreAll Saints Sunday
Worship, Nov 5
VIDEO. This Sunday we acknowledged and gave thanks for loved ones, friends, and members of our community who have passed away during the last year. The Chancel Choir sang John Rutter’s Requiem during this commemorative service. Nate Ledbetter delivered the message “Responding to the Cry” based on Matthew 5:38-42 and his work at the border.Read moreGod’s Daily Checklist
Worship, October 29
VIDEO. Unsure about what God wants from us and all humanity? Look no further than the prophet Micah (6:1-8), whose words may be the most important ones we need to hear today.
Read moreAn Incomplete Faith: Seeing the Face of God in Children
Worship, October 22
VIDEO. Pastor Andrew preached on the recent trip by our congregation’s youth and young adults to the US/Mexico Border and how we glimpsed the living God in the faces of the children and families we encountered.Read moreDay by Day
Worship, October 15
VIDEO. How do we grow the Beloved Community and why is it so important and essential that we do in today’s society? We look at Acts 2:44-47 and explore its meaning for today. If you missed the service, you can view the video.Read moreThey Came to Jericho
September 24 Video
A blind man got his sight the day Jesus and his disciples came to Jericho (Mark 10:46-52). The way it happened is fascinating and might help us gain our sight to better see the world around us. Hear Pastor Harry's take on this story. Read morePage 6 of 8