Categories: Congregational Life, Home, News, This Sunday

First Sunday Luncheon

Mar 2, Noon, Pope Hall

Celebrating Spring, Baseball Spring Training, and Baseball in general, we are having Ball Park food. Granted it's going to be in Pope Hall, but we have decided on Frito Pies and Hot Dogs for this lunch. There will be vegetarian options, and all the "fixin's." Please bring potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, or your favorite dessert to share. Everyone is welcome.

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Categories: Home, News, Worship


EvenSong, Feb 26, 5:30pm

You are welcome here. There is no better expression of the Christian faith than to feel welcomed, at home, among people who are glad you are here. Here we can meet Christ in one another. Join us at this Wednesday's Celtic EvenSong Service in the sanctuary or or on Zoom for a service focused on "Welcome."  To participate via Zoom, consider buying the Iona Abbey worship and music books.

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Categories: Concerts, Home, News, TGIF

Lee and Yang

 TGIF, Feb 28, 5:30pm

Let your cares float away as you listen to Jeong Hoon Lee, flute, and Haewon Yang, piano, at our Friday concert. They will play music for us by Sangjin Kim and Cesar Franck. Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.

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