Category: Video
White Supremacy Characteristics
Adult Ed, October 22 & 29
VIDEOS. What are the characteristics of white supremacy culture? Do we see them around us? At our church? In two October classes, Dr. Simesha McEachern helps us understand those unchosen and damaging characteristics that show up in our culture that are hard for us to see.Read moreWork of the People
Adult Education, October 8
VIDEO. At our Acts II class, “Work of the People: Why we worship and what we do,” Pastor Harry and Dr. Linda Raney looked at all things worship—how a service is planned each week, the various parts of worship, and why we do what we do. As a group we even selected hymns for next week.Read moreLearning from Each Other
Worship, October 1
VIDEO. October 1 at 10am, we celebrate World Communion Sunday led by our Indigenous siblings. Rev. Judy Wellington of Pima and Souix heritage delivers the message, "Learning from Each Other" based on Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16. Music by Navajo composer Conner Chee and flutist Sky Red Hawk are featured.Read moreJesus and the Beloved Community
Videos of September 17 & 24
In a time when millions of people have left the church and Christianity, they haven’t left Jesus. He is still revered, and still baffles, surprises, and inspires. Who, then, is this Jesus, and who have we tried to make him to be? Read morePage 11 of 11