Categories: Archives 2024, Concerts

Flutiss X 4 Flute Quartet

TGIF, Jan 19, 5:30pm

Flutiss X 4 lifts our Friday with a TGIF concert featuring music by Jennifer Higdon, Catherine McMichael, Eric Ewazen, and Raymond Guiot. Sanctuary doors open at 5:15 pm, and the concert begins at 5:30. The concert is free with donations accepted.


Steele Pause by Jennifer Higdon

Salt of the Earth by Catherine McMichael

Harmony in Blue and Gold by Eric Ewazen

DIVERTIMENTO Jazz by Raymond Guiot

The Artists

The Flutiss X 4 Flute Quartet is made up of flutists Veronica Mascaro, Nancy O’Malley, Andrea Frankenfeld, and Mary Wirth. All members are from the Dallas – Ft. Worth area of Texas. Please see the bios below.

Veronica E. Mascaro, flutist, is a former Teaching Fellow at the University of North Texas, where she was a doctoral student under the tutelage of Dr. James Scott and Professor Terri Sundberg. Ms. Mascaro is a past member of the North Texas Wind Symphony and current member and librarian with the Lone Star Wind Orchestra. Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ms. Mascaro continues her east coast relationship with her memberships in the Kennett Symphony Orchestra, the Cantatica Chamber Orchestra, and the Bel Canto Orchestra. Veronica is a frequent performer at Salon 33 in Princeton, New Jersey.  She performs and publishes with the Mascaro-Newman Flute and Guitar Duo. Internationally, Veronica has served as faculty member for the Ameropa International Chamber Music and Solo Master Class Festival in Prague and the ChamberArt Chamber Festival in Madrid, Spain. In Texas, Veronica is flute teacher at Highland Park High School, Memorial High School, Heritage High School, Lewisville High School, and Maus Middle School. Ms. Mascaro is the current conductor of the Flutasia and Flutissimo Flute Choirs.

Nancy O’Malley, flutist, whose father and two sisters also played the flute, graduated from Richardson High School in Texas and was All-State piccolo her senior year. She graduated from UT Austin with a bachelor’s degree in English and played piccolo in the University of Texas Longhorn marching band. She later earned a master’s degree in journalism from the University of North Texas. After a career in PR/marketing communications, she is now retired and plays in traditional and Taizé worship services at First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth. She also performs with the Flutissimo flute choir, Silverwood Trio, the Northeast Orchestra and the Texas Chamber Music Project.


Andrea Frankenfield, flutist, is a retired member of The Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, Third U.S. Infantry in Fort Myer, Virginia. She currently plays flute at Taize and other worship services at First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth, the Flutissimo Flute choir, the Silverwood Flute Trio, the Savannah Flute Choir, and plays fife in the Texas Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. She earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Illinois State University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from Kansas State University, and a Master’s degree in Nutrition at Texas Women’s University. She currently studies flute with Veronica Mascaro.


Mary Wirth, flutist, graduated from Baylor University with a bachelor’s degree in flute performance, and later earned a double master’s degree in flute performance and music history from the University of Louisville in Kentucky.  She was a flute instructor in the U of L Preparatory School of Music for several years.  Her husband, James, is an excellent classical guitarist, and they became the Silverwood Duo; for over forty years they have played in numerous weddings, recitals, competitions, and church services.  Upon moving to the Dallas-Fort Worth area, she became a flute instructor for Birdville ISD and had many wonderful students.  After transitioning to teaching as an elementary reading specialist for several years, Mary happily became an elementary music teacher.  She is now semi-retired, and continues to play flute with the Silverwood Duo, Flutissimo Flute Choir, the Bethesda Church orchestra, and sings with the Bethesda choir in Fort Worth.