Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Knowing Jesus Series

Children’s Program, Jul 14, 8:30am

This Sunday we continue with the Knowing Jesus series with the story from Mark 1:9-15, when Jesus goes into the wilderness to prepare himself for his future ministry. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.

After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.

If you have any questions, contact our Family Ministry Director Jen Black.

The Lesson

In the Mark 1:9-15 passage, Jesus journeys into the wilderness to prepare himself for his future ministry.  He was about to choose his disciples and travel all over preaching the good news of salvation.  He knew just how important this was, so Jesus wanted to make sure there weren’t any distractions.  Just Jesus and God talking to each other.  No food.  No drink.  No friends.  No distractions. During this time in the wilderness, Satan ties to tempt Jesus yet is unsuccessful and Jesus reemerges from the wilderness to proclaim the good news.