Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Knowing Jesus Series

Children’s Program, Jun 23, 8:30am

During the month of June we will examine various Bible stories that help us get to know Jesus and see him in our daily lives. Two weeks ago, we revisited the birth story of Jesus. This Sunday we will examine the question: What do you think Jesus was like when he was a child? The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.

After receiving a blessing, the children leave for their activities.

If you have any questions, contact our Family Ministry Director Jen Black.

The Lesson

Two weeks ago, we revisited the birth story of Jesus. We recalled that Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and was bestowed the honor of being the mother of Jesus. We took a look at why Jesus was born in a manger, the long voyage to Bethlehem, and the arrival of the three wise men bearing gifts.

This Sunday we will examine the question: What do you think Jesus was like when he was a child? We are going to learn about Jesus’ life when he was a boy. The Bible doesn’t speak much about his life between his birth and ministry, but we do have one passage found in Luke 2:41-52. In this passage we will learn about Jesus and his family visiting the temple. Just like us, he grew in wisdom and he learned lessons at church and from others. He grew physically because he ate well and stayed fit so that he could grow big and strong. He grew spiritually and he learned the Bible, prayed and loved God. He also grew socially, and he made friends and treated others the way he wanted to be treated.