Chancel choir


The Chancel Choir of First Presbyterian Church is a group of singers that provides music for Sunday morning services throughout the year.  In addition to singing hymns with the congregation during the services, the group performs a significant piece of music for each Sunday service and provides choral responses during the service, when appropriate.  If you enjoy singing, we encourage you to join the choir.  If you enjoy listening, we hope to see you at services and special concerts.  The choir seeks those who are accomplished singers and who would like to contribute to the musical life of the church.  Please submit a choir registration form, available from Linda Raney.

Fall, Winter, and Spring Schedule

The choir sings at Sunday services from September through early June.  Anthems sung for Sunday services are associated with the liturgical season and are an important part of the service.  The choir presents special pieces to celebrate special days throughout the year—All Saints’ Day; Lessons and Carols; Good Friday; last Sunday of Easter; and on other appropriate seasonal days during Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.  The choir also performs on the TGIF Concert Series.

Choir Rehearsal Schedule

Extra rehearsal:  Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm (Chapel)
Choir rehearsal:  Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm (Sanctuary)

Anthems for 2022

Choir members may download anthems and listen to recordings on our Google Drive.

Sanctuary Practice Schedule

Our sanctuary and organ may be scheduled in advance for practice sessions.  Please contact Linda Raney to request and schedule practice time.