Categories: Archives 2023, Concerts, Mission & Social Justice

NMPGV Benefit Concert

On August 26, we are pleased to host a benefit concert by for the New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence. Louise Bomse will perform a solo piano concert at 2:00pm in our sanctuary. Suggested donation for the concert is $20 (with under 18 free). As many know, Pastor Harry is a co-founder of NMPGV.

New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence (NMPGV) is a 501(c)3 non-partisan organization whose sole purpose is the prevention of gun violence in New Mexico. They work through grassroots mobilization to promote reasonable gun laws, as well as educating the public about gun safety and the high emotional and financial costs of gun-related violence against children and adults. NMPGV was founded in 2013 by Pastor Harry and Miranda Viscoli, who serve as co-presidents.