Our mission is to actively engage society, nurture lives, cherish creation, and heal the world.
Our church is a congregation within the Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States. We elect elders who serve on our Session, which is our governing body. We also elect deacons who provide support and care to members and friends of the church and to the community.
As a nonprofit organization in New Mexico, our church also has four corporate officers performing certain business functions.
Our activities are governed by our Bylaws and Policies and the by the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
The Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe is responsible for the mission and governance of the church. It is comprised of elders elected by the congregation for terms of three years. Current Session Elders are listed on the Session page.
Board of Deacons
The members of the Board of Deacons provide support and care to members and friends of the church and to the community. The congregation of the church elects deacons annually, and they serve for three-year terms. Current Deacons are listed on the Board of Deacons page.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee selects candidates for the Session, Board of Deacons, and corporate officers. It reviews information on eligible church members in order to match the appropriate persons to the responsibilities of the leadership position. The Nominating Committee, after consultation with the candidates, submits the candidate name to the Congregation for approval. Chairperson: Roger Said.
Church Circles and Committees
Our numerous church committees and other activities are organized into four larger Circles:
- Wisdom Circle (focused on learning about and worshiping God)
- Mission Circle (focused caring for the needy in our community)
- Jubilee Circle (focused on celebrating and caring for each other)
- Stewardship Circle (focused on being careful stewards of our resources)
Committee/activity descriptions and contacts can be found on the Circles—Committees and Activities page.
Corporate Officers
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the State of New Mexico, our church has corporate officers elected by the congregation. The current officers are:
- President, Bill Eklund
- Vice President, Dennis Sanderson
- Secretary (also Clerk of Session), Judi Haines
- Treasurer, Darryl Bowman
Officer duties are outlined in our Third Amended and Restated Bylaws.