Categories: Archives 2024, Mission & Social Justice, Youth & Children

Our Border Trip

Report by Pastor Andrew

As the mission group returns, Pastor Andrew reports, “We had a successful trip to the border delivering thousands of pounds of medicine, food, and supplies to three different churches and shelters. We served hundreds of migrant children and women from Venezuela, El Salvador and Guatemala who are living in these churches and shelters…

while learning about their challenges and their resilience. Our brothers and sisters in El Paso were so grateful for our help and service and the fact that we travelled to be in solidarity with them as they face persecution from the Texas state government for addressing this international human rights crisis. From buying dog crates for those trying to travel with their family pet to doing art projects and playing games with hundreds of children we did our best to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ.”

Hear more about this trip at our Sunday worship on May 19th: The Holy Spirit Is an Immigrant.