Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2023, Mission & Social Justice

Our Sister Church

VIDEO: July 2, at our adult education class, Bill Eklund provided an update on our partnership with our sister church in Sagua La Grande, Cuba. Slides included video greetings from Cuba, music by the congregation and photos of the city and church life.

Bill talked about the history of our partnership, a status report on current conditions within the Church and in Cuba, and some thoughts on the future direction of the Church and Cuba in general, including financial plans. View video below.

Donations are being accepted for our ongoing support of the church. Envelopes are in the church pews for a week or so. You can mail in a check, noting “Cuba Fund” in the memo line, or you can donate online, with “Cuba Fund” in the “Please specify” box at the bottom of the form.

Bill also gave give a Minute for Mission at the service and was in the lobby after both the service and the Adult Ed, to answer questions, show pictures, and receive donations.

A few weeks ago, we received the above photo of a few of their active members, who all know us well and send their greetings.