PBM Breakfast, Apr 13, 9am

At this Saturday’s Prepared by Men’s Breakfast, Rev. Joene Harr informs us about the new Pallet Village located at Christ Lutheran Church in Santa Fe and what went into its development. The 10 pallet shelters, which could house up to 20 people, have all been set up in Christ Lutheran Church’s north parking lot.
Breakfast begins at 9am in Pope Hall, followed by the presentation. The presentation will also be accessible via Zoom.
The breakfast includes a gluten-free option planned by John Whitcomb, chief cook emeritus and quartermaster. John has been an integral part of Men’s Breakfast for over 40 years. And the ubiquitous oatmeal, of course.
To be put on the monthly PBM Breakfast Evite list, where you can do a formal RSVP, text Jim Elliott at 505-557-8110 or email him at jimelliott5247@gmail.com. Also text Jim if you have a program suggestion or might want to participate as back-up or assistant chef, bottle washer, or busboy for Prepared by Men’s Breakfast. Alternately, contact Wally Bettes at bettesw@gmail.com or 214-893-7211.