Recent Videos

The Greatest Form of Love

Worship Mar 23, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. Pastor Andrew digs into Jesus’ new commandment that challenges our understanding and role in the world. What is our role in loving those who feel unloved, cast out and marginalized? What are concrete ways that God’s transformational love is being lived out in our world? John 15:9-14 will help us. Watch the video.

Seeking Vision

Adult Ed, Mar 23, 9:45am

VIDEO. This Sunday we continue our series on The Great Search, the latest book by John Phillip Newell. Pastor Andrew leads the class as we attempt to focus on Seeking Vision and tying together the previous classes. View a video of the class.

Rare in These Days

Worship, Mar 16

VIDEO. The word of God was rare in the days of Samuel. Visions were not widespread. How do we discern God’s call today? Pastor Harry looks at I Samuel 3:1-14 to explore this thought. View the video of our 11:00 service and Pastor Harry’s message.

Jesus Began to Weep

Worship, Mar 9

VIDEO. The Gospels record Jesus weeping only twice, when he looks over Jerusalem shortly before he was crucified, and here in John 11:28-37. Why? And is he still? Join us as Pastor Harry leads us in seeking answers to those questions. Our 11:00 service is in the sanctuary and via livestream.

Seeking Wisdom: Tagore

Adult Ed, Mar 9, 9:45am

VIDEO. Jeannie Bowman continues our series based on John Phillip Newall’s book, The Great Search, with a discussion of “Chapter 7: Seeking Wisdom: Rabindranath Tagore.” Tagore believed that it is wisdom that enters the spiritual world and is the realm of truth in which we will find our way back into harmony.

Lenten Sing and Ash Wed Service

Mar 5, 5:00 & 5:30pm, Sanctuary

VIDEO. Start your Lenten Journey this Wednesday, March 5 at 5pm with a time of singing familiar hymns from the Taize community and from our hymnal. The singing will be followed by the Ash Wednesday Service  at 5:30 with the imposition of Ashes and Communion. Join together with fellow pilgrims for a blessed renewal and commitment during Lent.

When they had come down from the mountain

Worship, Mar 2, 10am

VIDEO. Why can’t we just stay on the mountain with Jesus and live in peace and wonder and perpetual joy? On this Transfiguration Sunday, come and explore with Pastor Harry what it means to follow Jesus. The 10am service is in the sanctuary and via livestream.

Unroof the Roof

Worship, Feb 23, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. What do we do when our way to Jesus is blocked?  Instead of giving up four men literally “unroofed the roof” and their paralyzed friend was healed (Mark 2:1-12).  How do we do that today? Join us as Pastor Harry leads us in exploring answers to that question. Our 8:30 service is in Pope Hall and our 11:00 service is in the sanctuary and via livestream.

They Stood on a Level Place

Worship, Feb 16, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. The lectionary reading for this Sunday (Luke 6:17-26) is the other Beatitudes, but this time it is given on the Plain, and includes four blessings and four woes. Pastor Harry invites us to hear today what Jesus has to say about life in the Empire. The livestream is available through the Friday following the service, and the message portion is available on our Sunday Message page.

Seeking Wellness

Adult Ed, Feb 16, 9:45am

VIDEO. Allen Gulledge continues our series with Chapter 5 of John Phillip Newall’s book, The Great Search, “Seeking Wellness: Julian of Norwich.” English mystic Julian, who lived in a time of unimaginable suffering in the 1300s, writes “All shall be well….” What did she mean and what do her words promise us today?

Strength for the Battle

Worship, Feb 9

VIDEO. How do we stand firm in our faith? How do we not panic in a world wrought with chaos, anxiety and injustice? How do we cultivate the external and internal resources needed to live a life faithful to Christ? Pastor Andrew helps us journey alongside the earliest Christians and delve into and discover faithful answers to these questions.

The Great Search

Adult Ed, Jan 19–Mar 30

VIDEOS. “A new vision of reality is trying to be born,” writes John Phillip Newell in his newest book, The Great Search. In a nine-week adult ed series we will discuss one chapter of this book each week. Join us at 9:45am in the McFarland Chapel or via Zoom as we try to better understand the world swirling around us.