Spiritual Formation

Journaling as a Spiritual Practice

Journaling as a Spiritual Practice is usually offered at noon on the last Friday of each month and is currently meeting at Jeannie Bowman’s home. The class is using Mark Matousek’s Writing to Awaken for writing prompts and discussion.  For details, contact jeannie.bowman17@gmail.com.


The Mystics

Once a month, those on the Mystics list, receive an email highlighting the life and philosophy of a particular mystic, and providing resources to give participants an opportunity for self-study at their own pace.  If you are interested in receiving the emails, please contact the Church office.


Contemplative Silence Hour

Please feel welcome to share in a time of Contemplative Silence on Tuesday mornings at 10:30. We don’t connect by Zoom, but knowing that we are holding silence, separately yet together, is meaningful. If you would like to be added to our Contemplative Silence group email list, email wpc.contemplativesilence@gmail.com. We send out an email with different readings every Tuesday morning.

Sabbath Moments

In these videos shown during 2020-21, you were introduced to ways you can find meaningful sacred time to rest with the Holy. Spiritual practice a few minutes a day can make a real difference in our lives, especially in trying times. This weekly series, led by Jeannie Bowman, can be found on our Sabbath Moments page.

Spiritual Direction for Individuals

Individual spiritual direction is available. See our Spiritual Direction webpage.