See our Lenten and Holy Week schedule.
We have a number of opportunities to worship together, and we would love for you to join us. Follow the links to read more about them:
- First Sundays, 10:00 am and via livestream
- Sunday MorningSong, 8:30 am (other than first Sundays)
- Sunday Worship Service, 11:00 am and via livestream (other than first Sundays)
- Wednesday Morning Prayer, 7:30 am
- Wednesday Celtic EvenSong, 5:30 pm
Livestream First Sundays at 10:00 and Other Sundays at 11:00
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First Sundays at 10
For 2023 we will celebrate the first Sunday of each month by worshiping together at 10am in the Sanctuary (and via Livestream). Following the service, we will have a meal in Pope Hall. This festival day will feature worship and music blended from our MorningSong and traditional services, communion, and the opportunity for the entire congregation to be together.
Sunday MorningSong Service, 8:30 am
MorningSong is an informal service held on the rooftop garden in the summer and in Pope Hall in the winter (other than first Sundays of the month as noted above). MorningSong is a participatory service for all ages, with special participation by the children and youth of the church. Modern music reflects the informal spirit of the service. Child care is provided.
Sunday Worship Service, 11:00 am
A classic service is held in our historic sanctuary and via Livestream at 11:00 a.m (other than first Sundays of the month as noted above). The lively cadence of the service also offers contemplative moments. Music reflects a broad space of spiritual music styles. Child care is provided. Livestreamed videos are available for one week. The sermon portion of the service once processed is published on our Sunday Messages page.
Wednesday Morning Prayer, 7:30 am
Wednesday Morning Prayer is open to all and meets in the chapel and via Zoom Wednesday mornings 7:30-8:00 a.m. Six to 20 people attend on any given Wednesday …rain, snow, sleet, or hail. A short prayer service is followed by coffee time with a far-ranging discussion. The prayer service is built around the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship (Daily Prayer) and includes the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday, intercessory prayers, and times of silence.
Wednesday Celtic EvenSong, 5:30 pm
EvenSong embodies the spirit of Celtic Christianity, which is attracting worshipers drawn by its beauty and mysticism as well as those who appreciate its contemplative peacefulness and quiet. Celtic music and readings set the stage for this unique service, which includes communion. The service is held in the sanctuary. Read more about this service.