Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2024, Peacemakers, Video

The Gospel of Peace

Adult Ed, Jan 14 & 21, and More

VIDEOS. What do we do about the violence that is permeating the world?  Look to the Gospels, says Father John Dear, one of the leading voices of nonviolence in the world today. In adult ed classes on January 14 and 21 and a workshop on January 28, we prepare for his visit with us on February 4. View videos of the classes.

Father John is a long-time peace activist, Catholic priest, Jesuit, former Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (of which both Gandhi and King were members, and where the phrase “Beloved Community” was coined), and Archbishop Tutu’s nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.

We are honored to have Father John speak at our church on Sunday, February 4, at the 10 am service and then to promote his newest book, The Gospel of Peace, at 1pm that day for the wider community.

During our two adult education classes on January 14 and 21, we look at this new commentary seeing Mark, Mathew, Luke, through the eyes of nonviolence.  Books are $20 and available in the church lobby.

On Sunday, January 28, you are invited to attend a workshop, “Exploring Nonviolence: Tools for Managing Conflict in Everyday Life,” 2-4 pm at the church.  For more information, see our webpost: Exploring Nonviolence.and watch for announcements in our eNews. Registration deadline is January 20th and space is limited.

Please join us for any and all of these activities as we which seek to promote nonviolence in a violent world.

Video of Adult Ed Class on January 14

In our first of two classes, Pastor Harry led us in an introduction to nonviolence. View a video of the class:

Adult Ed Class on January 21

In our second class, Pastor Harry leads us as we look at the background and context of each gospel and then do an in-depth study of the scripture for that day, Mark 1:14-20.