Categories: Adult Enrichment, News, Video

The Politics of Jesus

Adult Ed, Sep-Nov, 9:45am

In this election season, Adult Education explores The Politics of Jesus based on the book by scholar Obery M. Hendricks, Jr.  In Sunday morning classes from September to Thanksgiving we will study scripture that reveals how Jesus dealt with the volatile political reality of his day.

Each class will be taught by pastors in our congregation.  Think that Jesus wasn’t political?  Let’s think again.

Classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 am in MacFarland Chapel and on Zoom all Sundays other than First Sundays.

Full Schedule of Classes

September 15—Roots of Jesus’ Political Consciousness  (Luke 4:16-29), led by Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

September 22—Treat the People’s Needs as Holy  (Matthew 6:9-13), led by Rev.San Williams

September 29—Jesus Cleanses the Temple  (Mark 11:15-19), led by Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

October 13—Trauma in our Society, led by Victor Nelson, therapist/trauma specialist

October 20—Expose the Workings of Oppression  (Matthew 20:1-16), led by Carolyn Raar

October 27—Save your Anger for the Mistreatment of Others  (Mark 1:40-45), led by Rev. Dr. Mary Kuhns

November 10—Jesus Sends the People Ahead   (Luke 10:1-12), led by Rev. Dr.  Harry Eberts III

November 17—Take Blows Without Returning Them  (Matthew 5:38-41)

Videos of Past Classes

September 15—The Roots of Jesus’ Political Consciousness (Luke 4:16-29). Led by Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

Do politics and Jesus belong in the same sentence?  Are his teachings about real life issues or spiritual journeys?  Does Jesus sing best in protest songs or Christmas carols?  In this first class in our series on The Politics of Jesus, we look at Jesus’ roots and the world into which he was born.

September 22—Treat the People’s Needs as Holy (Matthew 6:9-13). Led by Rev. San Williams

The class focused on the Lord’s Prayer as a revolutionary prayer and a guide to what Jesus believed and what he asks us to do. Unfortunately, there is no video available for this class. However, Pastor Harry also had this subject as the focus of his Sunday Message for September 22nd: “Pray then in this way”.

September 29—Jesus Cleanses the Temple (Mark 11:15-19). Led by Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

Pastor Harry provided the class with a history of the temple and the background of the story where Jesus turns over the moneychangers’ tables in the temple. Then the class discussed the politics of the day and what Jesus was saying with his action.