Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2022

The Radical Christian Alternative

How do we endure these deeply disorienting times of chaos and conflict and still faithfully address the issues and challenges which swirl around us? What resources can we uncover in our Christian faith and heritage that might help us meet the challenges of today? Join us for this new Sunday morning Adult Education series.

In this series we look at major issues facing our nation and world, such as violence, discrimination, climate change, poverty, to name a few of many. Each week we will dig deep into the roots of our faith, discover again the wisdom and radical life of Jesus, look at how the church has dealt with issues through the centuries (good and bad), and see how we might apply these deep resources to our life today.

First we set the stage by digging deep into the life and teachings of Jesus. Presenters: Pastor Harry Eberts (September 11) and the Rev. Sansom Williams (September 25). We follow that with a class on nonviolence on the International Day of Nonviolence. Then we take a look at all the different Bibles there are that give us our scripture.

Coming up on October 16, Pastor Harry introduces a New Lectionary for the year, A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by Wilda C. Gafney.

Join us at 8:30am on Sundays in-person in MacFarland Chapel and on Zoom.


View Past Classes

Who Is Jesus? Class 1
September 11, 2022
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

See Gateway to God’s Word, Chapter 4 : Jesus, The Christ.


Who Is Jesus? Class 1
September 25, 2022
Rev. Sansom Williams

Class handout: Who Is Jesus for Us Today?


International Day of Nonviolence
October 2, 2022
Rev. Bobb Barnes

On the International Day of Nonviolence and the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, Rev. Bobb Barnes led our adult education class in a discussion of Jesus’ message of nonviolence, especially the words of the Sermon on the Mount.

Why So Many Bibles?
October 9, 2022
Allen Gulledge

Which Bible translations are most reliable? What are some of the new ones? Allen Gulledge shares some insights gained from his 10 year exploration.


Scripture on the Margins
October 16, 2022
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

Pastor Harry introduces A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by Wilda Gafney.


Environmental Justice and God’s Radically Transformative Love
October 23, 2022
Dr. Anthony Arnold

Tony Arnold, environmental justice law professor at Brandeis, describes environmental justice and shares insights on how we can respond to injustices with God’s radically transformative love.


From Crisis to Action–Exploring Environmental Policies in Our Own Backyard
October 30, 2022
Rev. Andrew Black

Pastor Andrew shares little known information on energy use in US homes and churches and discusses a specific initiative for our church.


Climate—Can the Church Change in the Face of Climate Change?
November 6, 2022
Rev. Andrew Black and Jen Black

Pastor Andrew leads this Nov 6 adult ed class discussion of our Christian faith, scripture, and the challenges of climate change. Jen Black introduces the history, science, and dangers of climate change.


Can We Change?
November 20, 2022
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts and Dr. Tony Arnold

Pastor Harry follows up on an earlier presentation on climate change done earlier by Pastor Andrew and Jen Black. Slides offered eye-opening facts, and the class entered into discussions of what we could do. Download slides: Understanding Climate Change So We Can Change.


The Postsecular Sacred: Listening for a Way Forward
December 4, 2022
David Solem, LCSW

David Solem led the class in an exploration of some of the traumas of modern society and our responses to them.


Advent as Teacher
December 11, 2022
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

Pastor Harry laid the foundation for Advent in a discussion of what it has meant to us.


Advent as Transformation
December 18, 2022
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III

Pastor Harry leads a discussion on what Advent can mean for us.


“Hey Girl, what’s your problem?”
January 8, 2023
Led by Mary Ann Amos and Diane Buchanan
Class discussion of problems of gender inequality within Christianity, the Presbyterian denomination, and our own church. Led by Diane Buchanan and Mary Ann Amos.


“So, that’s how we got here!”
January 15, 2023
Led by Rev. Mary Kuhns
“It’s all about context… and translation,” emphasizes Mary Kuhns as she discusses various Biblical scriptures and how they have been used against women.


“Who’s missing?”
January 22, 2023
Led by Mary Ann Amos and Rev. Mary Kuhns
Mary Ann Amos traces women’s place in the history of the church. Mary Kuhns shares her experience at the Reimaging the Divine Conference.



“Ideas for transforming, refining, and reimaging the Divine”
January 29, 2023
Led by Mary Ann Amos
A panel of FPCSF women talk about what changes we might want to see in the church, in general and our church in particular, and how we might move forward in valuing women and men equally.


Racism Right Here
February 5, 2023
Led by Mary Norris
Hear four women of color tell us what we may not be seeing.



Race Related Scriptures
February 12, 2023
Led by Pastor Harry, with video and questions by Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee
Class discussed a difficult passage in Marck that was related to race.



Racial History of the Church
February 19, 2023
Presentations by Gale Wright, Dennis Sanderson, Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee, and Dr. Don Wilson
Church members share information on the mixed racial records of PC(USA) and other Christian churches.



Bend the Arc
February 26, 2023
Led by Gale Wright, Dennis Sanderson, and Rev. Dr. Amantha Barbee (via video)
Class members looked at the PC(USA) Antiracism statement and a video from Rev. Barbee with challenging questions.


March 5, 2023
Food Insecurity & Homelessness
Amanda Bregel from Food Depot and Hank Huges from the Coalition to End Homelessness shared gripping facts and stories about local food insecurity and homelessness.



March 12, 2023
Biblical Responses to Poverty
Judy Crawford, George Packard, Pam Najdowski, and Bruce Goslin share 4 out of over 2,000 passages in the Bible that address poverty and what should be our responses to it.



March 19, 2023
What is PC(USA) Doing to Address Poverty?
Judy Crawford shares information on five significant PC(USA) iniatives that address poverty.



March 26, 2023
Virtual Mission Fair
Judy Crawford shares videos on Pete’s Place and Sky Center and leads a discussion on FPC priorities.



April 16, 2023
The Disability Experience as a Tool for Transformation
Ms. Nat Dean incorporates looking through the lens of disability.




April 23, 2023
Investigating New Mexico’s Foster System Work
Ed Williams, Searchlight New Mexico, shares his investigative work on the “shelter shuffle” of troubled teens in foster care.



April 30, 2023
Straying From the Path: Queer Theory and Queer Energy as Models for Individuation
David Solem, LCSW, discusses cultural norms and silenced voices in the queer community.