We would love to see you. Below you will find our worship, educational, and other activities coming up this Sunday.
The Greatest Form of Love
Worship Mar 23, 8:30 & 11am
VIDEO. Pastor Andrew digs into Jesus’ new commandment that challenges our understanding and role in the world. What is our role in loving those who feel unloved, cast out and marginalized? What are concrete ways that God’s transformational love is being lived out in our world? John 15:9-14 will help us. Watch the video.
Seeking Vision
Adult Ed, Mar 23, 9:45am
VIDEO. This Sunday we continue our series on The Great Search, the latest book by John Phillip Newell. Pastor Andrew leads the class as we attempt to focus on Seeking Vision and tying together the previous classes. View a video of the class.
A Journey Through Lent
Children & Youth, Mar 23, 8:30 & 11am
Throughout his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about the Kingdom of God. As we read Luke 13:1-9, we encounter the fig tree parable and we find an image of God’s patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. After receiving a blessing in the worship services, the children and youth leave to continue their Journey Through Lent.