A Newer, More Efficient Building
As the twenty-first century began, membership was declining to a little over 400 in 2008. Tempted to move, the congregation made a commitment to remain a downtown church. Under the leadership of Rev. Sheila Gustafson, the church’s first female pastor, plans began to take shape for razing all the building except the sanctuary and building a new, more efficient facility.
During a nearly two-year period while construction took place, the congregation worshiped at the Catholic Rosario Chapel located in Rosario Cemetery and rented office and classroom space north of town off St Francis Drive.
The present three-story building has more efficient space and some underground parking space. The building was dedicated in 2006.
The new C. B. Fisk Organ was installed in the spring of 2008 completing the nearly $7 million project. TGIF was established with regular Friday evening concerts inviting various artists to perform.
Current Leadership and Mission
In December 2011, Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III, began his pastorate.
In 2015, First Presbyterian was certified as an Earth Care Congregation by Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Environmental Ministries. It was the first Presbyterian Church in New Mexico to earn this certification.
The church has continued social justice activities in feeding the hungry through Food for Santa Fe, Interfaith Shelter, supporting Afghan refugees, working with Westminster Presbyterian to teach English as a second language, gun safety, and caring for the earth.
The Pandemic of 2020 gave the opportunity for the church to expand outreach through internet by providing continuing contact within the church community and those at large. Worship, meetings, and gatherings were held on Zoom. Increased mailing to those without internet occurred. Worship, education and other gatherings continue to be offered on zoom to the present day for the congregation and others.
Rev. Andrew Black became a part-time associate pastor in 2021.
The ministry and history of the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe continues as we strive to help heal the world, care for our environment, confront injustice, work for peaceful solutions, and care for those in need.
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