Matthew 25 Initiatives

In July 2020, our congregation accepted the PC(USA)’s invitation to follow Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 25:31–46 by becoming active disciples and making a difference in our community and the world. We were proud. We even made t-shirts.

But what does being a Matthew 25 church really mean? The Acts II Adult Education class on Sunday mornings addressed this question by  looking at the three Matthew 25 areas of focus.

Building congregational vitality

On November 8, Pastors Harry and Andrew give an overview of the Matthew 25 Initiative and engage in a discussion of church vitality and what it means. Download the slides. View the Church Vitality video below.

Eradicating systemic poverty

November 15, Judy Crawford begins our discussion about working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.
View the Church Vitality video below.

Dismantling structural racism

November 22, Dennis Sanderson and Gale Wright update the class on our beginning efforts to advocate and act to break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice, and oppression of people of color. Download the class slides. View the Dismantling Structural Racism video below.

Closing Hymn

On the last class, we viewed the gospel style hymn “Jesus Be With Us,” which has one verse for each of the three Matthew 25 goals. For more information on the hymn, see the Presbyterian Mission Agency webpage, “Keep singing the Matthew 25 vision.” To see the version shared in class, click the video below.


And if you are interested, we have Matthew 25 t-shirts for sale. The gain from the t-shirts go to mission funds. To order a t-shirt, contact Delicia at