Board of Deacons
The members of the Board of Deacons provide support and care to members and friends of the church and to the community. The congregation of the church elects deacons annually, and they serve for three-year terms. The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.
Moderator: Mary Norris
Class of 2025
Christina Hill
Heather Weir
Sharon Marrs
M’lea Walsh
Kelly Truesdell
Alvin Baca
Bruce Goslin
Leslie Goslin
Tom Mott
Class of 2026
Mary Norris, Moderator
George Parr
Ellery Truesdell
Gary Schneider
Carol Schneider
Class of 2027
Arlena Jackson
Steven Stimmel
Deacon Programs
The deacons sponsor numerous programs through which they serve the church by providing support and care to members and friends of the church. The list of Deacon Programs can be found on the Congregational Care page.
Deacon Responsibilities
In addition to participating in Congregational Care programs, all deacons participate in the following:
- Contribute funding to the church’s kitchen facility, the church’s programs, and the Child Development Center programs.
- Assist in serving communion during the worship service.
- Attend monthly Deacons’ meetings.
- Serve as deacon-on-call several times each year. This person assists the minister, when requested, to respond to an immediate need of a congregant with a hospital or home visit. The deacon-on-call also makes connections with others in need of remembrances with visits, telephone calls, written notes, and deliveries of food or flowers from Sunday services.
- Help with memorial services and receptions.
- Visit monthly those in the care partner and friendship program. They make phone calls, send notes, offer non-medical care such as giving small gifts or providing transportation, and pray for those in the program.