Lenten Schedule, March 5–April 11
Ash Wednesday, March 5
- Lenten Sing. 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Join together to sing meditative music from Taize and the Glory to God Hymnal. Read more.
- Ash Wednesday Service. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Imposition of ashes. Choir Anthem: “I have longed for Thy Saving Health” by William Byrd. Read more.
Each Wednesday
- Meditation Group. 7:30 am in the Chapel and on Zoom.
- Celtic EvenSong. 5:30 pm iin the Sanctuary and on Zoom. Read more.
Friday, TGIF Concerts
- March 7—TGIF Concert. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Michael Tortorella, the gentle and soothing rhythms of three piano barcarolles. Read more.
- March 14—TGIF Concert. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. eternal Summer Symphony Orchestra with music by Finzi, Mozart, and Purcell. Read more.
- March 21—TGIF Concert. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Celebration of Bach’s birthday by Linda Raney. Read more.
- March 28—TGIF Concert. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Amazing voice of an award winning countertenor, Andrew Egbuchiem. Read more.
- April 4—TGIF Concert. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Sam Jacobs playing Beethoven and Brahms selections on the piano. Read more.
- April 11—TGIF Concert. 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. A sneak peak of the ProMusica concerts. Read more.
March 9, Lent 1
- MorningSong Worship. 8:30 am, Pope Hall
- Adult Education: The Great Search: Seeking Wisdom with Jeannie Bowman. Read more.
- Traditional Service. 11 am and via livestream. Scripture: John 11:28-37. Choir Anthem: “Go Not Far from Me, O Lord” by Nicolo Zingarelli
March 16, Lent 2
- MorningSong Worship. 8:30 am, Pope Hall
- Adult Education9:45am, Chapel and via Zoom. The Great Search: Seeking Faith with San Williams. Read more.
- Traditional Service. 11 am and via livestream. Scripture: I Samuel 3:1-11. Choir Anthem: “Let Us Celebrate God’s Name” by Anton Bruckner
March 23, Lent 3
- MorningSong Worship. 8:30 am, Pope Hall
- Adult Education. 9:45am, Chapel and via Zoom. The Great Search: Seeking Vision with Andrew Black
- Traditional Service. 11 am and via livestream. Choir Anthem: “His Voice as the Sound” arr. by Robert Shaw and Alice Parker
March 30, Lent 4
- MorningSong Worship. 8:30 am, Pope Hall
- Adult Education. 9:45am, Chapel and via Zoom. The Great Search: What are we seeking? Harry Eberts
- Traditional Service. 11 am and via livestream. Scripture: II Kings 5:1-15. Choir Anthem: “God So Loved the World” by Bob Chilcott
April 6, Lent 5
- One worship service at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary and via livestream. Scripture: John 5:1-9. Choir Anthem: “What Wondrous Love” by David Edmonds
Holy Week Schedule, April 13-20
April 13, Palm Sunday
- One worship service at 9:30 in the Sanctuary and via livestream. Scripture: Luke 19:28-40. Choir Anthem: “When the Lord Jesus Entered by George Malcolm
- Process to the Plaza at 10:15 for Ecumenical Palm Sunday Service. Suzanne Kemp, bagpipes for service and walking to and from Plaza.
- Lunch to follow in Pope Hall for Ghost Ranch Presentation by David Evans, CEO
April 17, Maundy Thursday
- Worship service at 5:30 in the Sanctuary. Choir Anthem: “Were you There? Arr. by Bob Chilcott
April 18, Good Friday
- TGIF Concert at 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Requiem by Maurice Duruflé sung by Chancel Choir
April 20, Easter Sunday
- 6:30 am—Sunrise Service on the Caja del Rio
- 9:30—Worship at Federal Park followed by Easter Egg Hunt
- 11:00—Worship in the Sanctuary and via livestream. Scripture: Luke 24:1-12. Choir Anthem: “This Joyful Eastertide,” arr. Vernon Hoyle. Jan McDonald, trumpet