Sunday Messages

Sunday morning worship services in our sanctuary are livestreamed (10:00 on first Sundays of the month and 11:00 on other Sundays). See our Livestreams page for the links to the most recent and upcoming offerings. The livestream recordings are available during the week and then the message portion is pulled out and presented below.

Recent Messages

Been to the Mountaintop

Worship, Jan 19, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. From Mount Nebo Moses looks into the Promised Land but never gets there (Deuteronomy 34:1-5).  On this Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, we look upon our land to see the promises before us.  Might we ever get there? Join Pastor Harry via video at our worship service.

Six Stone Jars

Worship, Jan 12, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. Join Pastor Harry this Sunday (John 2:1-11), the third day, a wedding, no wine, six water jars, good wine appears, and disciples believe. What does this water-turning-into-wine story mean for us in our day? The 11:oo service was livestreamed. We invite you to view the service on our livestream page.

You Are My Beloved

Worship, Jan 5

VIDEO. Jesus was baptized at the age of thirty as he began his public ministry (Luke 3:15-22). Join us this Sunday as we renew our baptism with Pastor Harry, and consider how baptism might impact our lives as we begin anew this year.

The Star Stopped

Worship, Dec 29

VIDEO. The Magi follow a star to Bethlehem and the Gospel of Matthew mentions the star stopped (Matthew 2:1-12). Stars don’t stop. What might this mean and what might we consider stopping this year? Join us this Sunday as Pastor Harry leads us to explore this question.

Lessons and Carols

Worship, Dec 22

VIDEO. This Sunday, listen as Pastor Harry discusses how the voice of the prophet Micah rises today amid our lessons and carols assuring us that war need not have the last word, that the zip code for peace is Bethlehem. What in the world is God doing there? The scripture for the day is Micah 5:2-5a.

Advent Joy

Worship, Dec 15, 8:30 & 11 am

VIDEO. This Sunday, at our 11:00 service, our Chancel Choir and eSSO presents Gerald Finzi’s In terra pax, op.39, Christmas Scene. Scripture for the day is Zephaniah 3:14-20. At the 8:30 service, Pastor Harry gives a Sunday message on the scripture.

Behold, I am sending my messenger

Worship Dec 8, 8:30am & 11am

VIDEO. Four hundred years after Malachi, John the Baptist picks up on his message and prepares the way for Jesus.  Why Malachi and why now? This Sunday, Pastor Harry continues our look at the prophets with Malachi 3:1-4.

The Days are Surely Coming

Worship, Dec 1, 10am

VIDEO. During Advent we will be hearing from the prophets Jeremiah, Malachi, Zephaniah, and Micah. They don’t always say what we want to hear but we need to hear what they have to say. This Sunday, Pastor Harry starts with Jeremiah 33:14-16.  Join us at 10am in the sanctuary or via livestream.

Pilate’s Fifth Question

Worship, Nov 24, 8:30& 11am

VIDEO. Pilate’s fifth question posed to Jesus holds major implications for us today.  Pastor Harry invites you to come and find out what it is and how the Gospel writer John answers it. Listen to the livestream video to see the sermon.

Turn the Other Cheek Also

Worship, Nov 17, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. Rev. Carolyn Raar leads us in looking at scripture Matthew 5:38-48. How did the hearers of the sermon on the mount understand Jesus’ teaching to “turn the other cheek” in their day How do we apply that teaching to our lives today? Bruce Goslin leads the 8:30 service.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Worship, Nov 10, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. Pledge Sunday.  Election aftermath.  Imagining the future of the church and the world.  Here in the second to last chapter of the Bible (Revelation 21:1-6a), we see the culmination of what God sees and hopes for the world.  Pastor Harry asks us, What do you see and what are your hopes?

Under God’s Wings

Worship, Oct 27, 8:30 & 11am

VIDEO. In times of uncertainty, anxiety and instability what wisdom does ancient scriptures have to offer us, our church and our nation?  Pastor Andrew looks to Psalm 91 to help us find the answer.

Sunday Messages Archive

Past messages may be found on our Youtube channel. See the following playlists:

During the pandemic, in lieu of our regular Sunday services, we offered video recordings each Sunday. Also, we offered these recordings of our Celtic EvenSong service on Wednesday nights. You can see these services on our our Youtube channel: