Categories: Archives 2022, Mission & Social Justice

40 Beautiful Stockings Donated

Skilled seamstresses from our church have created and donated 40 beautiful Christmas stockings to immigration shelters in Juarez, Mexico—along with many, many items to fill those stockings. Imagine the children’s delight!

The Dignity Mission at Placitas Presbyterian Church has for several years been once a month sending a U-Haul truck filled with clothing, hygiene items, diapers, food, baby formula, educational items to the immigrant shelters in Juarez, Mexico.

This year several women from our church—Betty Kersting, Mary Ann Amos, Karen Taylor, Madeleine Wright, and several others—made 40 beautiful Christmas stockings for the children in these shelters. Diane Buchanan and her friends— Elaine Brown, Ardith Eicher, Susan Lodes, Sara Birmingham—purchased LOTS of items to fill these stockings. Thanks to all who participated!

The Christmas stockings and toys just taken down to Placitas Presbyterian will be taken to the border with many other items mid November. If you wish to contribute, contact Judy Crawford.