Church Circles and Committees

Church Circles

Our church committee activities are organized into four larger Circles. For a description of each committee and the leadership and names of contacts, click the committee name below. To contact any group leader look in your church directory, or contact the church office.

Wisdom Circle

We search for wisdom through our worship services and our educational programs:

Mission Circle

We follow Jesus’ commandments to care for the needy:

Jubliee Circle

We celebrate our connections with each other and support each other in our faith:

Stewardship Circle

We are careful stewards of our resources:

Committee Descriptions and Contacts

Wisdom Circle

Adult Education / Acts II

The Adult Education / Acts II Committee is engaged in planning the Acts II: Becoming the New Apostles series. The series began in 2017 with a close look at Acts and the early Christian church and then the Protestant reformation. Further classes include Spiritual Development and various in depth studies. Chairperson: Dick Lindahl. Back to top.

Children’s Ministries

Children are warmly welcomed to both services and included as part of the service during the 8:30 service.
Our children receive a rich festival life which includes storytelling, singing and music, arts, and festival foods. Parents are welcome to participate.
Parent Circle is a group that meets monthly.  It is a rich resource for parents as they share the journey of faith in this modern time.  Through book study, discussion, festivals of the year, and social gatherings, parents create meaningful experiences within the church family for themselves and their children.

Contact: Jen Black Back to top.

Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends (COF) is an open, inviting gathering of women, new or old to the church and community, who seek spiritual growth and a deeper connection with other women. We meet every 2nd Saturday of the month on Zoom, 10:00am-11:15 a.m. Gatherings are meaningful, lively, contemplative, informative, and confidential. For more information, or to be put on our mailing list, please contact Jenny Harland. Back to top.

Religion and Science Discussion Group

The Religion and Science Discussion Group meets the first and third Mondays of each month from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The group explores books of science and religion and members express wide-ranging opinions. Contacts: Cindy Piatt and Bill Humphreys. Back to top.

Spanish Bible Study

The Spanish Bible Study group meets every other Saturday from 9:00-10:00 a.m. as a hybrid of zoom and in person participation. It has been led by Margarita Lopez for over fifteen years.  All levels of Spanish are welcomed. Contact: Alice Tinkle. Back to top.

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Wednesday Morning Prayer is open to all. It meets in the chapel at 7:00 a.m. and on Zoom. Six to twenty people attend on any given Wednesday …rain, snow, sleet or hail. A short prayer service is followed by coffee time with a far ranging discussion. The prayer service is built around the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship (Daily Prayer) and includes the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday, intercessory prayers and times of silence. Contacts: Jane Gee and John Pasch. Back to top.

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music Committee oversees the details of all worship services in collaboration with the ministers and facilitates the needs of the music program under the supervision of the Director of Music. Included in this committee are three sub-committees: Communion sets up the Communion Table monthly and changes the colors of the Communion cloths and lectern/pulpit paraments, as well as keeping the baptismal font filled with water. Liturgical Arts is responsible for changing the adornments (banners, flowers, pew décor) in the sanctuary and church site according to the church year requirements and for festival occasions, as well as supervising other arts, such as dance, that will be used in worship. The Ushers are responsible for greeting parishioners, collecting the offering, and lighting the Christ Candle and other candles used in worship. The Music Program includes Chancel Bell Choir, Bell Choir, Morning Song, and TGIF Concerts. The Committee also oversees the appointment of volunteer liturgists. Chairperson: Tom Kingston. Communion Coordinators: Malissa Haslem. Liturgical Arts Chair: Karin Lerew. Head Usher: Allen Gulledge. Music Director: Linda Raney. Back to top.

Youth Connection

The Youth Connection works with Youth ages 11-16 and meets Sunday mornings to study the scripture and learn about how to be more like Jesus. Youth engage in a number of activities, including recently hosting a bake sale, meeting with the Mission and Social Justice group, painting the youth room, making a significant contribution to the success of the Capital Campaign, and attending Youth Week at Ghost Ranch. Contact: Sharon Kirby. Back to top.

Other Wisdom Circle Activities

From time to time First Presbyterian Church offers special activities such as Bible studies, book groups, Christian yoga, and spiritual direction. Contacts: Pastor Harry Eberts III and Associate Pastor Andrew Black.

Mission Circle

Child Development Center Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee supports and advises our Child Development Center, an onsite preschool serving children ages one to five years. The Committee assists the Preschool Director in establishing overall policies and procedures, fundraising, and conducting special projects. Chairperson: Elizabeth Hook. Back to top. 

Mission and Social Justice Committee

The Mission and Social Justice (MSJ) Committee determine which missions we fund as an organization. These groups become our hands and feet in meeting the needs of those in our midst who have very few resources for daily living. It is our hope that we who have so much will in addition to our money offer our hearts and prayers to these ministries that they may become in reality a part of our faith commitment. Most of the funding goes to local missions; however, some funds are also allocated for regional/national and international missions (including free trade coffee and olive oil). Creation Care is a subgroup of MSJ that focuses on our responsibility to care for the earth. Chairperson of MSJ: Judy Crawford. Contact for Creation Care: Pastor Andrew.  Contact for Dismantling Racism: Gale Wright. Contact for Sagua La Grande: Bill Eklund. Back to top.


The Outreach Committee is tasked with looking out for visitors at all events and reaching out to them as ambassadors of the Church. Committee members look for visitors at both services and attempt to talk to them after the service. Committee members also review the friendship pads every week and send visitors a note or email. Each month “meet and greet” sessions are held for those who wish to explore membership or just want to learn more about programs at the Church or are new to Santa Fe. When new members are welcomed into the Church, Committee members participate in the service and present the newcomers with a “welcome bag” containing our free trade coffee, a First Presbyterian Christmas ornament, or other gift(s). Finally, the Committee members attempt to integrate new members into various church activities. Chairperson: Betty Jones.  Back to top.

Jubilee Circle


The Communications Committee facilitates internal and external communications about the church’s activities and spirit. Its responsibilities include (1) disseminating information about church policies, activities, and events on a regular basis to the congregation through print and email pieces, on the website, and in other venues; (2) overseeing the design, content, and maintenance of the church’s website; and (3) assisting in the review of major communications sent by other committees and the staff, as needed and requested. Chairperson: Vacant. Website Editor: Gale Wright.  Back to top.

Food, Fun and Fellowship

This newly formed committee has a lot of fun preparing food for various church fellowship events. No cooking skills required, just a willingness to jump in and help. Contacts: Karin Lerew and Judi Haines. Back to top.


The responsibility of the History Committee is to receive, organize, and archive the official records and other historically significant documents of this church and to educate the membership (and at times the community) in the history of the church.  This is a constant ongoing process. Chairperson: Carolyn Minton. Back to top.

Men’s Breakfast

Once a month, the men of the church prepare a breakfast for men and women along with a presentation. The planning group prepares the menu, shops for food, identifies and invites speakers, and prepares and serves the food. Planning Group Leader: Jim Elliott.  Back to top.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry gatherings are held twice a month at the church. The time together is spent knitting, sharing community, praying, and meditating. Once a shawl is completed it is blessed in Sunday worship, as well as in the gathering. The shawl is then delivered to one who is going through a hard place in life or possibly at a time of celebration. The group receives requests for shawls from church members, friends, and the community at large. For more information, contact Betty Kersting. Back to top.

Second Family

Second Family is a ministry that offers friendship, assistance and encouragement to members of the congregation, who through life’s challenges and are not as independent as they once were. In bite-sized commitments, ministry members form circles of care around an individual, a couple, or a family, thereby becoming a congregational “second family” using their individual gifts to serve in a variety of ways. Contact: Betty Kersting. Back to top.

Stewardship Circle

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee works with the Office and Facilities Managers and oversees the use, maintenance and improvements to our historic building. They address immediate concerns, budget matters, and long range planning. Subgroups and individuals also work on the Columbarium, the kitchen, hospitality (open doors and overnight use), and safety issues. Co-Chairpersons: Bill Eklund and Bill Bergner. Columbarium: Bill Eklund and Barbara Strange. Kitchen: Marie Gonzales. Back to top.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for (1) supporting preparation of the annual operating budget; (2) working with the Pastor to identify persons having responsibility for spending and preparing guidance for those individuals; (3) monitoring of budget execution and spending of restricted funds; and (4) reviewing financial reports and making recommendations to Session. Chairperson: Dennis Sanderson. Back to top.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is responsible for (1) identifying and evaluating potential investments; (2) making recommendations to the Session with regard to particular investments; and (3) monitoring and reporting on the performance of the Church’s investments to Session. Chairperson: Dennis Sanderson. Back to top.

Office Operations Committee

The Office Operations Committee works closely with the Office Manager for Administration/Publications and Office Manager for Hospitality and provides oversight and support for all responsibilities that fall within office operations and facilities use.  The office is responsible for the church calendar including booking events and other facility use requests. The chair acts as liaison with other committees and their respective chairs regarding office services and facilities use. Chairperson: Judi Haines. Back to top.


The Personnel Committee seeks to build and maintain a healthy work environment for all church staff by (1) setting forth clear guidelines delineating expectations, evaluation of performance, benefits, and personnel policies for all staff members; (2) reviewing and recommending to Session approval of changes to staff position descriptions and compensation packages; and (3) reviewing annually the FPC Human Resource Manual, working with the head of Staff and the CDC Director to ensure compliance and uniform application of policies. Chairperson: Vacant. Back to top.

Planned Giving Committee

The Planned Giving Committee assists members in planning future gifts to the church through their wills and trusts or other means. They plan educational programs and individual assistance. Chairpersons: Diane Buchanan and Rick Andrew. Back to top.

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee is responsible for overseeing all fundraising activities of the Church. Specifically, it is responsible for: (1) conducting the annual stewardship campaign; (2) overseeing special offerings and fundraising campaigns, including capital campaigns as needed; and (3) interacting with potential donors who express interest in giving to the Church by way of wills, bequests, trusts, memorials, endowments, restricted gifts, or other forms of special gifts. Chairperson: Vacant.  Back to top.

Technology Committee

The Technology Committee manages the technology and audiovisual resources of the Church to enable the staff and key volunteers to accomplish their tasks in an efficient and effective manner. It provides technological advice to other committees when requested. Chairperson: C.C. Wright.  Back to top.