Categories: Archives 2025, Youth & Children

A Journey Through Lent

Children & Youth, Mar 16, 8:30 & 11am

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Lent, and we move from Jesus’ retreat to the desert and temptation by the devil to the glory shown in Jesus’ Transfiguration. The children and youth program begins in the worship services. After receiving a blessing in the services, children and youth leave for their activities.

If you have any questions, contact our Family Ministry Director Jen Black.

Children’s Sunday School

This week we will read from Luke 9:28–36 and take a look at the transformation of Jesus. Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John up onto a mountain to pray. These disciples watched in awe, as they witnessed Jesus’  face began to shine like the sun, his clothes became as white as  light and was joined by Moses and Elijah on the mountaintop. From a cloud that enveloped them all, the voice of the God affirming Jesus as his son and his desire for us to listen to him.

Youth Bible Study

Rendon Room

Youth, don’t forget to bring your bible as we will begin our Lenten Journal Journey through the book of Mark. The Youth will be asked to think about what they can do to honor the Lenten season, and how they may start new practices during this 40 days or reflection. How will you pray, reflect, serve others and give thanks? Each day (Monday through Saturday) our youth will have a different reading from the book of Mark to read and reflect on. Our Sunday Bible Study discussions will focus on the week’s reading.

Readings that we will discuss this Sunday:

  • March 9th: Mark 3:1-19
  • March 10th: Mark 3:20-35
  • March 11th: Mark 4:1-20
  • March 12th: Mark 4:21-34
  • March 13th: Mark 4:35-5:20
  • March 14th: Mark 5:21-34
  • March 15th: Mark 5:35-6:6