Categories: Tuesday

Acts 16: 9-15

Route Change

Funny how we have an idea on which way to go but we often don’t get there, and if we do it is by an entirely different route.

Just ask Paul. One night he has a vision which clearly states he should go to Macedonia and help a man there and he ends up, not in a synagogue where he would usually go to talk with possible converts, not to a man which was the normal thing to do, but outside the gate of the city by a riverside talking to women, especially one named Lydia. But that’s the way it works.

Ever have a plan? Hmm. Spend time in strategic planning? All good. But when you get down to it we most often end up in an entirely different place. Welcome to the real world and we might as well get used to it because it seems to be the norm more than the exception. Like a GPS gone haywire, God often leads us to places we never even heard of, by a way we never knew existed, and end up in the place we probably should have been in the first place.