Categories: Adult Enrichment, Archives 2022

Adult Ed for Advent

Advent is a time to take hope seriously.  And deeply.  And courageously.  The title of this three-week December series, adapted from a phrase by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, sets out to reclaim Advent… from the rush of the holidays to an invitation for us to change and grow, to look deep into our own darkness as the world becomes dark, and dare to dream of a better, more light-filled, and hope-filled world.

—December 4. The Postsecular Sacred: Listening for a Way Forward. Led by David Solem. (View video.)
—Decenber 11. Advent as Teacher. Led by Pastor Harry.
—December 18. Advent as Transformation. Led by Pastor Harry.

This continues our series on The Radical Christian Alternative. These adult ed classes will be held at 8:30am in the McFarland Chapel and on Zoom.