Upcoming and Recent Classes
ACTS II: Becoming the New Apostles
What is God up to? Told through Christ’s early followers, the Book of Acts is the story of how to find your way in a messy, complicated world. It’s our story, too, in Acts II as we navigate today’s challenges and seek to become new apostles of Jesus.
Acts II is an adult education ministry of the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe and designed to equip members to be faithful in the midst of these challenging times.
Our classes and study groups run Sunday mornings and throughout the week. We study scripture, practice spiritual formation, and are prompted to action in our community and our world.
Scripture and Bible Studies
To equip ourselves properly for acting in the world, it is necessary that we study and understand as best we can God’s truths revealed in scripture. Throughout the week and on some Sundays, we offer such growth opportunities. We offer Bible study in Spanish for all levels of fluency. And we have a special publication authored by Pastor harry’s father, Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts Jr. See Bible Studies.
Spiritual Formation
First Presbyterian Church believes that the church is responsible for teaching, practicing, and living our faith in witness to the teachings of Jesus, and we, as Jesus’ followers, must prepare all who enter our doors for ministry in the world. We have year-round activities to help us grow spiritually. See Spiritual Formation.
Our Church in Action
As we equip ourselves to go out into the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we must make ourselves aware of and knowledgeable about the critical issues of our times. Adult education classes focus on various issues such as racism, poverty, misogyny, environmental concerns, violence, and need for help in natural disasters. See the latest offerings in the eNews and on our FPC in Action blog. And sign up for Pastor Andrew‘s weekly messages on our environment: Earthkeepers 360: Weekly Reflection.
Sunday and Weekday Schedules
Sunday Acts II adult education classes are offered most Sundays in the McFarland Chapel and on Zoom. Upcoming classes are listed at the top of this page and are announced in eNews and our FPC in Action blog.
Weekday classes are listed below. See the latest eNews for links and other information.
- Religion and Science, 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:00-8:30 pm,via Zoom.
- Friday Bible Study, every Friday, 11:00-noon, via Zoom.
- Spanish Bible Study, every other Saturday, 9:00 am, check the church Calendar for dates,
We also have available online past offering schedules and videos:
- 2024 Acts II Schedule and Videos (schedule of upcoming classes as known at this time and videos of past classes)
- 2023 Acts II Schedule and Videos
- 2022 Acts II Schedule and Videos
- 2021 Acts II Schedule and Videos