In 2021 we continued our ACTS II Adult Education Program via Zoom and then with hybrid in-person and Zoom classes. Following is the calendar of classes. Follow the links for more information and recordings of the classes.
- January 10-31, 2021—Christ and Culture: Role of Christianity in Today’s Society
- February 7—Be Thou My Wisdom (February 7, 2021)
- February 14—Conversation with Mayor Webber
- February 21-March 21—Through Women’s Eyes—see videos).
- April 18-May 2—Biblical Ideas that Changed the World
- May 9, 2021—Six Principles of Nonviolence (view recording)
- May 16, 2021—Making Conservation Matter: From Engaging in Federal Policy to Protecting Santa Fe’s Backyard
- May 23, 2021—Our Cuban Partnership
- June 6–August 29—Summer Bible School (No class July 4th)
- September 1–November 21—Matthew 25 Today (View videos of classes)
- December 5, 2021—A Metaphysical Look at the Christmas Story. (See the recording and download the responsive reading “The Christmas Story in You.”)
- December 12, 2021—The Season Advent 2021: A Longing for Kindness. (See recording.)