Categories: Tuesday


Acts 16:16-24

Never underestimate a good annoyance!  Paul found that out one day as he and others were going to a place of prayer.  A slave-girl with the spirit of divination followed them crying out, “These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation.”  One would think that is very nice of the slave-girl to give them such publicity but Paul was very much annoyed, especially after several days of being followed and hearing the same cry, so finally, in the name of Jesus Christ, he ordered the spirit out of her.  This landed them before the authorities and eventually in jail.

Needless to say, they never reached the place of prayer.  And isn’t it true that had Paul not been annoyed the rest of the chapter would never have been written?  If he wasn’t annoyed there would be no healing of the slave-girl, no confronting the economic exploitation that chained the girl, no confrontation with the authorities, no jail sentence, no releasing the jailer of his bondage to the power of Rome, and no baptism for the jailer and his family.  Funny how things work sometimes.

So be careful the next time you find yourself very much annoyed.  You may end up in a real place of prayer where chains are broken and life is set free.