Registration Deadline, Mar 1
This coming Saturday (March 1) is the registration deadline for the Presbyterian Youth Triennium (July 28-31, Louisville KY). This annual gathering for young people all across the country is truly a transformational experience for all involved. For more information, contact Luke Rembold or Jen Black.
Every 3 years for the past 40 years, the Presbyterian Church USA, alongside ecumenical partners, has hosted the Presbyterian Youth Triennium. This multi-day gathering for young people all across the country has served as a place for young people to connect to God, to one another, and to our denomination. This event is a transformational experience for all involved!
After the cancellation of the 2022 Presbyterian Youth Triennium as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are so excited to be planning a delegation for the 2025 Triennium this summer, in Louisville, Kentucky, July 28-31!
This year there will also be a “young adult” track, as an avenue for youth who missed the 2022 Triennium that was cancelled because of the pandemic. If you have young adults aged 19-23 that might be interested, please contact Jen Black for more details!
A printed copy of the application packet can be found by the Mountaintop bulletin board on the third floor or in the family ministry display case by the sanctuary.
You can also complete the application online. The church recommendation form can be found in the packet, or available here.