Categories: Letters 2025

January 11, 2025

Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places: Greetings in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ! Six stone jars filled with water. I am jarred by the news of the fires in Los Angeles. My old home and church are on the line between an evacuation order and a warning. It might depend on the way the wind is blowing on whether or not my old home and neighborhood is spared or will remain only in my memories. An old friend who sang at my installation service in 2012 told me a few hours ago that he has never been more terrified as he looks out from his front yard in Encino to a raging fire 1 ½ miles away.

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Categories: Letters 2024, Letters 2025

January 4, 2025

Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places: Greetings in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ! “Love the person in front of you.” Jimmy Carter accompanied a Hispanic pastor friend on a pastoral visit years ago and as they were walking down the sidewalk, Carter asked his friend how he did it, so moved was he by what he just experienced. It’s simple, the pastor said, “love the person in front of you.” Is there a better phrase for the Christian life? Are there better words to describe what Jesus did in his ministry? Might these words accompany us in the new year?

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Categories: Archives 2024, Worship

Christmas Eve Services

Worship, Dec 24, 5pm & 8pm

VIDEO. Christmas Eve we have two services: 5:00pm Family Worship with the Chancel Bell Choir and Children's activity and 8:00pm Traditional Worship with special Christmas music by Jan McDonald on the trumpet and carols by our Chancel Choir. Carol singing with organ and candles at both services.

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