Categories: Celtic, Home

Service of Welcome

EvenSong, Mar 28, 5:30pm

You are welcome here. There is no better expression of the Christian faith than to feel welcomed, at home, among people who are glad you are here. Here we can meet Christ in one another. Join us at this Wednesday's Celtic EvenSong Service in the sanctuary or or on Zoom for a service focused on "Welcome."  To participate via Zoom, consider buying the Iona Abbey worship and music books.

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Categories: Coming Soon

Let Light Lead

Synod Youth Workshop, Jul 14-19

In the Gospel of John, we hear this good news: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.” But what does that mean for us in the here and now? This summer, at Synod Youth Workshop in Tulsa OK, we tackle the question: How, in a world where darkness continues to creep in, can we remember to trust in God and ‘Let Light Lead’ even when we are afraid?

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Categories: Archives 2025, This Sunday, Youth & Children

A Journey Through Lent

Children & Youth, Mar 23, 8:30 & 11am

Throughout his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about the Kingdom of God. As we read Luke 13:1-9, we encounter the fig tree parable and we find an image of God's patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. After receiving a blessing in the worship services, the children and youth leave to continue their Journey Through Lent.

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Categories: Celtic

Service for Creation Care

Celtic EvenSong, 3rd Wed, 5:30pm

God calls all humanity to care for creation and all that is in it. Throughout the ages we have not paid enough attention to cherishing all animals and plants and rivers and trees, but with Climate Change upon us it is imperative we do.  In this service, in prayer and song, we do. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom.

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Categories: Archives 2025, Concerts

Bach’s Birthday

TGIF, Mar 21, 2025

Our own Linda Raney invites us to celebrate Bach's birthday with her at the TGIF concert this Friday evening when she plays Bach selections on the organ.  Doors to the sanctuary open at 5:15pm and the concert begins at 5:30pm. The concert is free with donations accepted.

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Categories: Home, News, Retreats

Living the Lord’s Prayer

Retreat, Ghost Ranch, Aug 15-17

San Williams invites members and friends of First Presbyterian Church to join him at Ghost Ranch this summer, August 15-17, for a retreat centered on the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer that Jesus taught his disciples invites us into the heart of Jesus’ life and teaching, and it empowers us to live joyfully—and hopefully—in these chaotic and fraught times.

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Categories: Celtic

Service for Healing

EvenSong, Mar 12, 5:30pm

This Wednesday’s Celtic EvenSong is a service of prayers for healing. The healing of divided communities and nations, and the healing of the earth itself, have their place alongside the healing of broken bodies, hurt minds and wounded hearts, and the hurts and divisions within ourselves. Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom.

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