Categories: Archives 2024, Youth & Children

Knowing Jesus Series

Children's Program, Jul 21, 8:30am

This Sunday we will read Luke 5:1–11, 27–28; 8:1–3. In these passages, Jesus calls his disciples. Jesus called ordinary people to be disciples, to follow him, to learn from him, and to serve others in ways that Jesus demonstrated in his own life. The children’s program begins in our 8:30am service on the rooftop.

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Categories: Letters 2024

July 13, 2024

Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places— Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who said once that the truth will set us free. Who said, “What is truth?” This is the only question I remember from the ordination exam I and other Presbyterian students took back in 1984. This Bible content exam, one of five needed to continue our journey to becoming Presbyterian pastors, was multiple choice and I only remember this question because I got it wrong, and apparently so did my classmates. We had dinner together following the exam in the Refectory at Yale Divinity School and this was the question we all discussed. Who said it? Never heard the question before. Are you sure it’s in the Bible?

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Categories: Letters 2024

July 6, 2024

Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places— Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who crossed the Sea of Galilee to a foreign and inhospitable land. This land seems closer than ever before. You may recall last week we left Jesus and his disciples on a boat after a storm and there was a great calm following Jesus’ pronouncement “Peace, be still!” How can I experience that peace after the Supreme Court’s recent pronouncements that have upended our understanding of democracy? How can I be still when our cherished system based on the rule of law has been, by all evidence, upended by partisan judgments not based on precedence nor the Constitution?

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Categories: Archives 2024, Sunday Messages, Video, Worship

They came to the other side of the sea

Worship, Jul 7, 10am

VIDEO. We continue the story from last Sunday (Mark 5:1-13) when Jesus and his disciples reach the “other side” of the Sea of Galilee.  It is a foreign, dangerous, and hostile land, and a man with an unclean spirit is running among the tombs for he had wreched off his chains.  Pastor Harry invites us to come and see how Jesus brings healing to the man and the land.

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