Dear Saints in Santa Fe, and other far-off places, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who has had a tumultuous week. What Mary saw. There was a moment of recognition and relief as Mary Magdalene stood before Jesus. A single point in time, didn’t last long, perhaps just a lifetime or so. We might imagine what Mary saw before that moment. ...
Read moreAuthor: Gale Wright
A Truly New Mexican Easter—Sunrise Service on the Caja del Rio
Mar 31, 6:30am
VIDEO. This Easter we gather at dawn as the original followers did that miraculous morning where the women went to the tomb of Jesus and found the stone rolled away and tomb empty.Read moreOne Great Hour of Sharing
Special PC(USA) Offering, Thru Mar
Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing are shared with the ministries of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. To make your donation, use the special envelope at either the 8:30 or 11am service or donate online.Read moreEaster in the Park
Federal Park, Mar 31, 9:30 am
At our MorningSong Service at Federal Park trumpets welcome Easter, and Pastor Harry leads our Easter service with the message, "What Mary Saw," with scripture John 20:1-18. Following our service, we delight the children with an Easter Egg Hunt for all the children of the church and the community. Everyone is welcome.Read moreEaster Egg Hunt
Federal Park, 10:15am
Children of our congregation and the community are invited to join in an Easter Egg Hunt at Federal Park following the Easter service in the Park. The egg hunt will begin approximately 10:15. Everyone is welcome! Bring your own blanket. Refreshments will be served.Read moreWelcome to the Mountaintop!
Youth Room Open House, Mar 31, 10:30
This Sunday have an open house for the new youth room from 10:30-11:00. Our dynamic new youth space is called "The Mountaintop." For on the mountaintop Jesus delivers his greatest set of teachings forever shaping and transforming his followers in faith, hope and love.Read moreChoir and David Solem
TGIF, Mar 29, 5:30pm
VIDEO. On Good Friday, our Chancel Choir, with David Solem on the piano, performs Mozart's Requiem—a work of comfort that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit. Enjoy the video of this uplifting concert.Read moreMaundy Thursday
Worship, Mar 28, 5:30pm
VIDEO. On this solemn night we once again hold a Tenebrae service. Tenebrae comes from the Latin meaning darkness. Tenebrae is an ancient Christian service where light gradually diminishes symbolizing the darkness of Jesus’ death and the hopelessness in the world without God.Read morePage 27 of 66